Cigarette filters in some cigarettes contained blue asbestos (crocidolite asbestos) into the filters. Blue asbestos is considered the most harmful and damaging…
Historic Win for Washington County
December 2nd, 2021
Washington County officially passed an ordinance (#878) that stops all flavored cigarettes, synthetic nicotine products ( like e-cigarettes and vape pens) and …
Local Progress and Wins!
May 5th, 2021
Throughout the state, tribal and county tobacco prevention and education programs are advancing critical policies and engaging community members to create heal…
Post“Quitting” Cessation
COVID-19 and Tobacco
April 16th, 2020
Initial research shows that people who smoke may be more likely to develop serious complications from COVID-19. If you’d like to quit, free help is available a…
Post“Quitting” Cessation
Help Someone Quit
December 10th, 2019
Would you like to help a friend or family member quit tobacco? We can help you learn how to be a great support and source of information for anyone ready to ki…
Post“Quitting” Cessation
La Línea ‘abandone Ahora’ De Oregon
December 10th, 2019
¿Quiere ayuda gratuita para dejar de fumar o mascar tabaco? ¡Llámenos!Llame gratis al 1-855-DEJELO-YA (1-855-335356-92) desde cualquier lugar en Oregón o regís…
Post“Quitting” Cessation
I Want To Quit
December 9th, 2019
Are you ready to quit? You are not alone. More than six out of ten* Oregon tobacco users want to quit. And there’s help to do just that.The Oregon Tobacco Quit…
Post“Quitting” Cessation
Referral to quit: for health systems and social service agencies
December 9th, 2019
Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death, killing over 7,000 Oregonians each year. The top way that people hear about the Quit Line is from their doct…
El tabaco con sabor a dulce es un truco y está a la venta en tu comunidad