Find stories and inspiration from members of Oregon’s tribal communities.

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How the tobacco industry targets native youth
The commercial tobacco industry pushes dangerous products that addict Native youth, and harm tribes and communities. Because Tribal Nations are not subject to state and local smoke-free laws, the commercial tobacco industry has identified sovereign communities as untapped and unprotected opportunities to maximize their profits. The tobacco industry advertises candy flavored products to hook youth. Nearly all adults who are addicted to commercial tobacco started smoking before they were 18.
Want to learn more about how the industry targets tribal youth? Below, you’ll find assessment reports from each of Oregon’s tribal service areas about commercial tobacco and alcohol advertising, marketing and promotion in convenience stores, grocery stores, gas stations and other retail locations.
- Burns Paiute Tribe
- Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians
- Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
- Confederated Tribes of Siletz
- Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
- Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
- Coquille Indian Tribe
- The Klamath Tribes

Protect our children, youth and future generations.
The commercial tobacco industry pushes a dangerous product that addicts Native peoples and harms tribes and communities. Nicotine causes addiction, a disease that needs serious treatment.
This industry steals cultural imagery and misrepresents tribal nations’ sacred traditions to sell their products. Because Tribal Nations are not directly impacted by state and local smokefree laws and other tobacco control measures, the commercial tobacco industry has identified sovereign communities as untapped and unprotected opportunities to maximize their profits.
As a result, more tribal people use commercial tobacco compared to other groups in the United States. This is modern colonialism and genocide of Native peoples.