Vape and Flavored Tobacco Archive

  • Historic Win for Washington County

    Washington County officially passed an ordinance (#878) that stops all flavored cigarettes, synthetic nicotine products ( like e-cigarettes and vape pens) and …

  • [Press Release] AG Rosenblum Praises Online Vape Sales Ban

    The Oregon Senate passed a bill banning the online sales of e-cigarettes and other vaping products! This is a huge step towards creating a Smokefree Oregon and…

  • FDA Vaping Prevention Material

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Scholastic have partnered to bring educators, parents, and community orgs free materials in English and Spanish - inc…

  • Smoking, Vaping and COVID-19

    It is important to know about the serious risks of smoking or vaping and COVID-19. Please help share this information with anyone you know.


    Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, es importante que las personas conozcan los posibles riesgos a la salud asociados con fumar o vapear y COVID-19. Debemos actua…

  • OHA launches new tobacco prevention campaign

    OHA's Smokefree Oregon launches new tobacco and vaping prevention campaign to protect the next generation from nicotine addiction and lung disease.

  • Inhalant Delivery System Laws and Rules Report to the 2019 Oregon Legislature

  • E-Cigarette Use Among Youth And Young Adults, A report of the Surgeon General (2016) Executive Summary

  • Law bans vaporizers, e-cigarettes in public buildings