La Autoridad de Salud de Oregon lanza campaña de prevención de tabaco
Smokefree Oregon lanza una nueva campaña de prevención de tabaco y vapeo para proteger a la próxima generación de la adicción a la nicotina y de enfermedades p…
OHA launches new tobacco prevention campaign
OHA's Smokefree Oregon launches new tobacco and vaping prevention campaign to protect the next generation from nicotine addiction and lung disease.
Stronger Together
Together we're stronger than big tobacco The tobacco industry targets kids with candy-flavored products and ads placed at children’s eye level. But people in …
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Más Fuerte Juntos
Juntos somos más fuertes que las grandes empresas de tabaco La industria del tabaco dirige sus campañas a los niños y a nuestra comunidad Latina.Usan cigarril…
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Tobacco Consumption Among Oregonians with Disabilities
COVID-19 and Tobacco
Initial research shows that people who smoke may be more likely to develop serious complications from COVID-19. If you’d like to quit, free help is available a…
Email Sign Up
Name*FirstLast Email* County*County or TribeI don't live in OregonBakerBentonBurns Paiute TribeClackamasClatsopColumbiaConfederated Tribes of Coos, Lower U…
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Smoke-free Housing Tools
Tools and resources for renters experiencing secondhand smoke in their units.