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Candy-flavored tobacco is a trick, not a treat—and it’s for sale in your neighborhood


  • PostRetail

    Historic Win for Washington County

    Washington County officially passed an ordinance (#878) that stops all flavored cigarettes, synthetic nicotine products ( like e-cigarettes and vape pens) and …

  • News ReleaseVape and Flavored Tobacco

    [Press Release] AG Rosenblum Praises Online Vape Sales Ban

    The Oregon Senate passed a bill banning the online sales of e-cigarettes and other vaping products! This is a huge step towards creating a Smokefree Oregon and…

  • ToolVape and Flavored Tobacco

    FDA Vaping Prevention Material

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Scholastic have partnered to bring educators, parents, and community orgs free materials in English and Spanish - inc…