County Overview
Adults who regularly smoke cigarettes
Tobacco-related deaths
People with a serious illness caused by tobacco
$2.7 Million
Spent on tobacco-related medical care
$2.4 Million
In productivity losses due to premature tobacco-related deaths
Total Population
Among tobacco retailers assessed in Wallowa County
Advertised tobacco or e-cigarettes outside the store
Sold flavored products
Offered price promotions/discounts
Sold products near toys
Advertised cigarillos for less than $1
Adult cigarette smoking
Cigarette smoking among adults in Wallowa County is lower than Oregon overall and the rest of the United States.
Adults exposed to secondhand smoke indoors
Secondhand smoke exposure for adults in Wallowa County is higher than Oregon overall.
Youth Tobacco Use
Among 11th graders in the Eastern Oregon region,†
e-cigarette use was higher than cigarette smoking
in 2019.
e-cigarette use was higher than cigarette smoking
in 2019.
† The Eastern Oregon region includes Baker, Grant, Harney, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa and Wheeler Counties. Estimates are reported by region instead of county when one or more estimates from the county level represented too small a population to be reliable.