Harney Archive

  • Help for Youth Who Vape or Smoke

    Resources to help youth quit The younger someone starts to use nicotine—either tobacco or vaping products—the harder it will be to quit. Nearly 90 percent o…

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  • Health Care and Service Providers

    Health Care Providers Are Vital Partners to Help Patients Quit Tobacco All health care and service providers play a critical role in giving patients the sup…

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  • I’m Ready to Quit

    Quitting tobacco for real isn't easy. But It's worth it. Quitting is different for everyone. That’s why we offer a variety of options, all free of cost. Get…

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  • Helping People Quit Tobacco

    I'm Ready toquit smoking Help for youth who smokeor vape …

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  • Recursos para apoyar a las personas a dejar de fumar (Spanish Cessation Resources)

    En la siguiente información encontrarás sobre las formas de ayuda gratuita, ejercicios útiles para hacer un plan para dejar de fumar, actividades que pueden ay…

  • FDA Vaping Prevention Material

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Scholastic have partnered to bring educators, parents, and community orgs free materials in English and Spanish - inc…

  • Smoking, Vaping and COVID-19

    It is important to know about the serious risks of smoking or vaping and COVID-19. Please help share this information with anyone you know.


    Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, es importante que las personas conozcan los posibles riesgos a la salud asociados con fumar o vapear y COVID-19. Debemos actua…

  • La Autoridad de Salud de Oregon lanza campaña de prevención de tabaco

    Smokefree Oregon lanza una nueva campaña de prevención de tabaco y vapeo para proteger a la próxima generación de la adicción a la nicotina y de enfermedades p…